Mitchell Covey |

Github signature work

For my senior capstone class we put together a github document containing our signature work. This website is one of those pieces. The link is Here.


Desktop Computer

I first put my desktop computer together back in 2016 to replace a broken laptop. I purchased and put all the parts together by myself, by following Youtube tutorials. I rebuilt the desktop in early 2022 to update some older hardware. The current build has a AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor, 16 GB of RAM, and a Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 GPU.


LED lights syncing to music

My freshman year I took engr 101 and in that class we built a circuit board to make any lights flash to music. We wired up different components and sodered everything to the board ourselves.

history sniffer

History sniffing website

Our last homework assignment for CISC 350: Information Security was to build a website to sniff out a users history on the St Thomas Majors website. If the user had ever visited one of the major pages, the "CAPTCHA" would change. Based on their answers to the questions, the website would recommend looking at different majors.